The brilliant by Runa Carlsen

The brilliant by Runa Carlsen
The story of three women's struggle for access to public life.
In The brilliant, we meet three brave women at a turning point in world history. Conradine Dunker (1780-1866) and Else Lachmann (1769-1823) came from the highest privileged families in Christiania and lived their lives near Rådmannsgården. At the same time in Europe the excellent Germaine de Staël was active, the leading philosopher and author of Romanticism. She fought for freedom for all people and was opposed to European superiority, slavery, and colonialism.
Conradine Dunker, Else Lachmann and Germaine de Staël were educated, learned languages, ran salons, argued for their perspectives, worked in theater, translated drama, wrote, traveled, and started educating girls. Even when they were criticized, hindered, exiled, lost their social position, or lost wealth, they never gave up. They got up and moved on, built communities, and found their supporters. They established important institutions and built a better world for generations to come after them.
The brilliant lasts up to an hour.
Co-creators: Rebekka Jynge and Vilde Johannessen (actors), Jenny Berger Myhre (sound), Hanna Filomen Mjåvatn (artistic advisor) and Ida-Marie Højris (costume design).
The production is supported by Kulturrådet fri scenekunst, Kulturrådet fond for lyd og bilde, Oslo kommune Kulturetaten, Billedkunstnernes vederlagsfond and Bergesenstiftelsen.