Exhibition opening: Bouchra Khalili – The Nordic Chapter

Bouchra Khalili, The Nordic Chapter, 2020
Oslo Kunstforening, Fotogalleriet and TrAP are excited to open Norway's first solo exhibition of internationally recognised artist Bouchra Khalili.
The exhibition and opening is happening in parallel at Oslo Kunstforening and Fotogalleriet in calloboration with producer TrAP Thursday 13 August 18-20.
Encompassing film, video, installation, photography and a publication, the exhibition features works produced in the last ten years, which examine the politics of memory, specifically of anti-colonial struggles. The Nordic Chapter is presented across two sites: Oslo Kunstforening and Fotogalleriet.
The works at Oslo Kunstforening and Fotogalleriet are in conversation with one another. At Oslo Kunstforening Khalili's mixed-media project Foreign Office (2015) is presented, which reflects on liberation movements in Africa during the 1960s, together with the video trilogy The Speeches Series (2012-2013), examining anti-colonial struggles among immigrant communities and citizens of immigrant descent in Europe and the United States of America.
The works presented at Fotogalleriet continue the analysis of radical liberation by focusing on the French artist and activist Jean Genet's life and practice. The film Twenty-Two Hours (2018) focuses on Jean Genet's three-month-long stay with the Black Panthers in the U.S., the publication The Radical Ally is a visual and textual investigation of Twenty-Two Hours, and the 16mm film The Typographer (2019) ends Khalili's examination of Jean Genet and his conception of allyship.
Bouchra Khalili is a Moroccan-born, Berlin-based artist who has reached international recognition during the past decade for her unconventional and innovative narration of history of subjects rendered invisible by the nation-state model. Khalili’s work has been the subject of many international solo exhibitions.
Bouchra Khalili
The Nordic Chapter