Smuggling Lemons

Jumana Emil Abboud, Smuggling Lemons, 2011
Jumana Emil Abboud (born 1971 in Shefa’Amr) lives and works in Jerusalem. Abboud uses drawing, video, photography, objects, performance and text to navigate through themes that focus on memories, loss and resistance. Her work reflects upon a contemporary Palestinian landscape and the struggle to find cohesion and continuity, a process that requires a sense for ingenuity and constant metamorphosis.
Jumana Emil Abboud will show a selection of photographs together with three video works, The Pomegranate (2005), Fasting (2003) and Smuggling Lemons (2006), that deal with issues such as identity, displacement, miscommunication and lack of infra structure in a fragmented society through visual narrative metaphors.
Jumana Emil Abboud, Smuggling Lemons, 2011
Jumana Emil Abboud (født 1971 i Shefa’Amr) bor og virker i Jerusalem. Abboud bruker tegning, video, fotografi, performance og tekst for å navigere i temaer som minner, tap og motstand. Hennes kunstnerskap reflekterer et palestinsk samfunn, hvor kontinuitet og sammenheng i politiske prosesser er manglende. Hun gjenspeiler den palestinske situasjon, og skaper et utfordrende kunstnerisk landskap der oppfinnsomhet og narrative visuelle metaforer danner rammene.
Abboud har deltatt i en rekke utstillinger internasjonalt det siste tiåret. I 2009 deltok hun blant annet på biennalene i Venezia og Istanbul , samt Bahrain National Museum, Manama og Institute du Monde Arabe, Paris. Det er første gangen hun vises i Norge.
Over the last decade Jumana Emil Abboud has participated in numerous international group exhibitions. Since 2009 she has been presented at the Biennials of Venice and Istanbul, as well as at Bahrain National Museum, Manama and Institute du Monde Arabe in Paris. This is her first solo presentation in Norway.
Saturday May 21, 1pm
As part of the performance program ACT, Jumana Emil Abboud will present the performance Paper, Feather, Sugar, Water at Oslo Kunstforening/Oslo Fine Art Society, followed by an artist talk. On May 28 the performance and artist talk will be shown at 3,14 in Bergen. ACT is a performance program initiated by curator Pia Torgersen. The program has been co-curated by Malin Barth at 3,14. ACT was made possible through the collaboration with 3,14, Transnational Arts Production (TrAP) and Oslo Kunstforening/Oslo Fine Art Society. Other performance artists who have been invited to the program are Ana Rewakowicz (UA/PL) and Regina Jose Galindo (GTM).
ACT has been supported by Arts Council Norway, The Fritt Ord Foundation, the City of Bergen and OCA, Office for Contemporary Art, Norway.

Jumana Emil Abboud, Smuggling Lemons, 2011