Upcoming exhibition
Kunsthallene i Norge
The aim of the organization is to safeguard the interests of Norwegian contemporary exhibition spaces and to spread knowledge about art and art's place in society, nationally as well as and internationally.
Accepted members are noncommercial Norwegian exhibition spaces that work professionally with contemporary art. It is essential that the institution's artistic director is a curator or has an equivalent artistic experience. The director should have a full time position, and the institution should operate throughout the year. Foreign art centers and art museums can become affiliated as members without voting rights.
Current members include Kristiansand Kunsthall, Kunsthall Stavanger, Tromsø Kunstforening, Oslo Kunstforening, Kunsthall Oslo, Kunsthall Grenland, Fotogalleriet, Trafo Kunsthall, Bomuldsfabrikken, Kunsthall 3.14, Sandefjord Kunstforening, Kunsthall Trondheim and Trondhjems Kunstforening.
Kunst i Oslo
Kunst i Oslo is a collaboration between the Oslo Red Cross and art institutions in Oslo that offers free admission to anyone who takes part in Oslo Red Cross activities. In total, 18 museums and art institutions are a part of this scheme.
It is not necessary to be an art lover, the important thing is to know that the institutions listed in Kunst i Oslo are free of charge and that you are welcome to visit and spend time in our spaces.
Tickets are available at Oslo Red Cross reception at Hausmanns gate 23. The free tickets are then handed over at the entrance, or reception of the museums and art institutions included in Kunst i Oslo. Each ticket grants free admission for two people.
Kunst i Kvadraturen
Oslo Art District (Kunst i Kvadraturen) is an informal network consisting of: Tegnerforbundet, Galleri Soft, Galleri Format Oslo, LNM, Oslo Kunstforening, BOA, Kunsthåndverkene i Kongensgate, Kunstnerforbundet, Kunstplass, Kunstverket, Galleri Ram, Nasjonalmuseet and Norske Grafikere.